Phillip O'Reilly
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by Robert P. Borkovec

I have recently read Dr. Phillip O’Reilly’s book on “Theology for Young Christians” I’ve know Phil for many years and was very pleased with the book. I have always admired Phil in his consistent walk with the Lord, the love and example he is to his family, and his service to the church. This book is the culmination of all this life experience into a useful composition that will assist others in developing a proper understanding of the God of the bible. The presentation of what is often considered complicated subjects is done in a way that is easy to understand without minimizing the importance or making them too simplistic. 

Even though the book is written to the Jr. High and High School age group, it would be beneficial for any new Christian that wants to grow in their understanding of their God and how to properly study the bible. The book is designed for further study in order to have the reader seek deeper think for themselves, and to ask questions to develop a greater understanding of the passages studied. In addition the book allows you to develop your thoughts while giving you hints. It is meant to work with the parent so that the entire family develops their theological understanding together. 

I have recommended this book to many pastors and youth pastors, I would highly recommend it to anyone that desires to grow in their faith.